Strip Scan with Auto-Nis – Evaluation of Nip-Width

Auto-Nis is a Windows based scanner and analysis software system that enables accurate interpretation and analysis of nip-impression by Fujifilm Prescale film stripes. The sensor film instantaneously and permanently changes colors proportional to the surface pressure when placed between the two nipped rolls.
Bands of only a few centimeters in width are sufficient to detect the nip-impression and are economically as well. Prescale films stripes can be obtained by Tiedemann as a service.

Auto-Nis scans and interprets the sensor film stripe up to a length of 12 m. It assimilates the data into a variety of easy to read graphical formats and displays of data.
Often nip-widths and pressure are not uniform along the length of the rolls. So readjustement is necessary and can be easily controlled by using Auto-Nis.
A final scan can and print out of nip-impression documents the successful adjustment of the rollers